Types of Trees

Mountain Laurel – Kalmia latifolia

Mountain Laurel Beautiful but Deadly

Mountain Laurel is native to the Eastern United States. I recently noticed it because it is blooming. We have lots of laurel on our property near Charlottesville. It’s not quite as abundant in Northern Virginia. Look for it next time you are hiking. It stands out in the forest for its unique growth patterns. Find out more about this interesting, but toxic plant.

General Characteristics of Mountain Laurel

Laurel is a woody evergreen like holly trees. The growth patterns depend on the location. It is usually found in mountainous areas along slopes, ridges, or open rocky areas. It is quite pretty, and it has unusual growth patterns for a forest plant. The laurel in this picture is from near Charlottesville, VA. It grows fuller and more shrub like in the warmer climate. The remainder of the photos are from Great Falls, VA.

Beautiful but Deadly

First of all, Mountain Laurel should be viewed from afar. It is highly flammable and poisonous. The leaves, flowers, pollen, and twigs are all poisonous. The plant is toxic to horses, goats, cattle, deer, and humans. It contains the toxins grayanotoxin and arbutin. Grayanotoxins cause damage to the gastrointestinal system, muscles, heart, lungs, and nervous system that can result in death. Also do not burn the wood. The smoke is toxic. Finally, ever heard of ‘mad honey’. Honey from bees that pollenate laurels and rhododendrons can be toxic.

Interesting Tree Silhouettes

Laurel trees have interesting silhouettes. The mature wood is described as gnarly, curved, and crooked.  Mountain Laurel trees usually have curved trunks and limbs, which make for an interesting profile. The bark is thin, and sometimes it splits and sheds. It is a light tannish grey color with vertical striations. Trees are up to 30’ tall. Bushes grow lower and shrub-like with denser foliage.



Mountain Laurel Leaves

Leaves are various shades of green. They are shiny, leathery, and feel substantial. It is a simple leaf. There is 1 leaf per stem. Stems alternate on the branch. The leaf shape is elliptical, or more technical names include lanceolate and oblanceolate.  The leaves I observed were about 1” wide and 3” long, however references state leaves are 3-6” long.


Showy Mountain Laurel Flowers

Showy flowers emerge late spring into July depending on the location. Flowers are pink, purple, to white. The 4-5 petals appear fused. They are described as saucer shaped, but they look bell shaped to me. The lovely flowers appear in clusters at the end of branches. Emerging flower blossoms are pleated.


First learn about the toxicity from Colorado State University’s Guide to Poisonous Plants.

Second find general information from North Carolina’s Plant Toolbox Extension Guide.

Finally the United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service always provides reliable information.