
Tree Pollen

Tree Pollen on the Trail

Spring brings new life to plants. New plant growth brings pollen. This trail is covered in pollen. Tree pollen is just one of many types of pollen. There is also grass and weed pollen. Spring is not the only season when pollen is produced. Depending on where you live, you maybe impacted by different types of pollen. Read more to get an overview of pollen, and some simple ways to minimize its impact.

What is Pollen?

Just like anything else, plants and trees reproduce. Survival is the goal of living things. Pollen is how plants get male sperm delivered to the right place to produce seeds. Some plants can self-pollenate. This means that they produce pollen that can fertilize structures on the same plant. Other plants are cross-pollinators. Their pollen floats through the air, or is carried by insects or birds, to pollenate another plant of the same species. Once pollenated, the plant produces seeds. The photo on the right is pine tree pollen. Although it is uncommon to be allergic to pine pollen, it is easy to get a close up of the pollen.

Which Tree Pollen Causes the Most Allergy Symptoms?

Of course, all tree pollen has the potential to cause an allergic reaction in someone. Usually we think that the flowering tree pollen is the worst for allergies. However, this is generally not true. Flowering tree pollen is usually larger and stickier; therefore, it doesn’t float in the wind. The most common offenders in Virginia are willow, oak, hickory, mulberry, walnut, and maple. However, poplar, elm, birch, beech, cedar, and juniper are also offenders. They are easy to find in Virginia forests and suburban areas.

Minimizing Tree Pollen or any Pollen Allergies

First, oak pollen is highest in the morning, Save outdoor activities for later in the day.

Second, check pollen counts. Most weather apps have a pollen count alert.

Third, keep windows shut. Pollen float in the air into the house.

Fourth, change your clothes after being outside. This may seem simple, but pollen gets on clothes.

Fifth, shower after going outside. Pollen also gets on your hair. It can be particularly bothersome and irritating when on eyelashes and eyebrows.

Finally, take a minute and brush pets off before bringing them, and lots of pollen in the house.